👍 Understanding Abbreviations, Terms and Symbols

Knitting is a popular pastime that requires a certain level of skill and knowledge to create beautiful and intricate designs. One important aspect of knitting is understanding the abbreviations and terms used in knitting patterns. These abbreviations and terms are used to convey instructions more efficiently and shortly.

Understanding these knitting abbreviations and terms is essential for anyone who wants to become a skilled knitter. Here are some common knitting abbreviations, terms and their meanings


alt alternate
approx approximatel
beg begin[ning]
bet bettween
cont continue[ing]
rem remaining
rep repeat
rnd[s] round[s]
tbl through the back loop of the stitch
RS right side
WS Wrong side
wyib With yarn in back
wyif with yarn in front


alt alternate
approx approximatel
cc contrasting color
cn cable needle
dpn double pointed needles[s]
MC main color


in inch
mm millimeter
cm centimeter
m meter
g gram
oz ounces
yd yard


bo bind off
co cast on
dec decrease[ing]
inc increase[ing]
pm place marker
sm slip marker
st/sts stitch/stitches
psso pass slipped stitch over
w-t wrap and turn
yb yarn back
yf yarn forward

Knitting symbols are graphic representations used in knitting patterns to indicate specific stitches or actions that need to be taken. These symbols are a standardized way of communicating instructions across different languages and regions, making it easier for knitters to follow patterns from all over the world.

Here are some common knitting symbols and their meanings:

🔺  Basic symbols

Language of knitting patterns
Symbol Abb Explanation
Co Cast on
Bo Bind off
P Purl
K tbl
Knit through the back loop
P tbl Purl through the back loop
Sl wyib Slip stitch with yarn in back
Sl wyif Slip stitch with yarn in front
Knit 1 below

🔺  Increase symbols

Language of knitting patterns
Yo Yarn over
Yo x2 Yarn over twice
Yo x3 Yarn over three times
Kyok (Knit 1, yarn over, knit 1) in the same stitch
Pyop (Purl 1, yarn over, purl 1) in the same stitch
M1 Make one stitch
M1p Make one purlwise
LLI Left lifted-increases
Step-by-step instructions with pictures
RLI Right lifted-increases
Step-by-step instructions with pictures
LLIp Left lifted-increases purl-wise
Step-by-step instructions with pictures
RLIp Right lifted-increases purl-wive
Step-by-step instructions with pictures
inc to 2 - (Knit 1, purl 1) in one stitch
- (Purl 1, knit 1) in one stitch
inc to 3 - (Knit 1, purl 1, knit 1) in one stitch
- (Purl 1, knit 1, purl 1) in one stitch
inc to 5 - (Knit 1, purl 1, knit 1, purl 1, knit 1) in one stitch
- (Purl 1, knit 1, purl 1, knit 1, purl 1) in one stitch

🔺  Decrease symbols

Language of knitting patterns
Ssk Slip slip knit
Step-by-step instructions with pictures
K2tog Knit two stitches together
Step-by-step instructions with pictures
Ssp Slip slip purl
Step-by-step instructions with pictures
P2tog Purl two stitches together
Step-by-step instructions with pictures
Slip slip slip knit
Slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over
K3tog Knit three stitches together
Sssp Slip slip slip purl
P3tog Purl three stitches together
S2kp Slip two stitches knitwise, knit one,
pass slipped stitches over

Step-by-step instructions with pictures
sl2 p1 p2sso Slip 2 purl 1 pass 2 slipped stitches over
K5tog Knit 5 together
K7tog Knit 7 together

🔺  Special symbols

Language of knitting patterns

Cluster stitches

Wrap stitches

Yarn over, knit st/sts, pass yarn over over knitted st/sts

Left stitch pass through right stitch
Step-by-step instructions with pictures

Right stitch pass through left stitch
Step-by-step instructions with pictures

🔺  Gathered symbols

Language of knitting patterns
2-2 2 into 2 gathered
3-3 3 into 3 gathered
5-5 5 into 5 gathered
2-2 tbl 2 into 2 gathered through the back loop
3-3 tbl 3 into 3 gathered through the back loop

🌀 Cable symbols

1/1 Left cross
1/1 Right cross
2/2 Left cross
2/2 Right cross
3/3 Left cross
3/3 Right cross
3/3 Left purl cross
3/3 Right purl cross
Knitting patterns often use a variety of symbols to indicate different stitches and techniques, and it can be easy to get confused or make a mistake if you don't take the time to read the key carefully. So, before you begin your next knitting project, be sure to review the pattern key thoroughly to avoid any potential errors or frustrations along the way.
Happy knitting!

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  4. Wonderful Tutorial.
